It was in my 4th standard when I wondered for the first time how big infinity might be looking into the night sky. It was not so a clear thought but it was from then I became passionate about 'scientia' i.e. to know. Now when I look back, I'm amazed to see how well Science has reassured my faith at every stage of my life!
Friends, look at this world closer,you are sure to find the beauty of Science. Look at those people with eyeglasses, with hearing aids, people who have been treated for heart diseases. Don't you think what Camerlengo Ventresca confesses in Angels and Demons is true? Yes. It is... Science is the new God!
So, here is my very first blog, on my very favourite topic... Science. On this blog, I promise you to take you through a journey of the current science which can make you familiar with the most recent advancements of science. If you are a person with a strong interest for Science, read it for the pleasure of Science. If you are the one opposed to Science read it to know that Science is not what you think. Maybe one day you'll realize that one can't just live without science. But when reading this blog, always know that it is Science I wish you to have faith in and not in what it tells. As most of the theories and claims are bound to be disproved one day, read each article with inquisitiveness and suspicion. Question on the theories and experiments... But rejoice the new applications. Write your views, comments and make reading this blog an intellectual pleasure...
"All our Science, measured against reality, is primitive and childlike. Yet, it is the most beautiful thing we have- Albert Einstein"
Fine then. First article coming soon, Keep waitin...
Fine then. First article coming soon, Keep waitin...
-Subramanya Hegde
+ve :)
ReplyDeleteWhat did Camerlengo Ventresca confessed in Angels and Demons? I am not clear.
Good one... Waiting for the first article....
ReplyDeleteThank you... By the way, Camerlengo confesses in his famous speech in Angels and Demons(In the book, its not in the film) that science indeed is the new God! I've mentioned it there you see... In the sense that it has really given eyes to the blind, ears to the deaf and lives to many:)
ReplyDeleteNice venture buddy..........But never be fanatic about anything....all the best
ReplyDeleteThank you:) Yeah. You are right. I just wanted to start it off with passion. Planning to make all other articles objective... Keep following